6 Industries That Are Booming Despite COVID-19

With nearly 14 million people newly unemployed in America, it’d be reasonable to think there was a downward turn across every industry and profession. 

Luckily, it’s not all bad news. In fact, where some areas are falling, others are flying. Keep reading to find out which ones make the top six. 

  1. Technology

If you thought technology was taking over your life before COVID, you must be a fully operational cyborg by now. Between the video conference calls, online schooling, brand-new gaming systems, and smartphone capabilities, it’s no surprise that the tech industry is absolutely thriving right now. 

The Nintendo Switch was sold out for months mid-quarantine, new TVs and desktop monitors are on backorder, and packages are continuously delayed because of the massive influx in online ordering. 

Zoom Video stock has increased by more than 100% since the beginning of the year, with other popular collaborative apps like Dropbox and Slack following the lead. If you regularly use your computer, watch out for potential webcam security breaches. 

  1. Lounge Wear & Pajamas

Be honest: do you change out of your pajamas and sweatpants when you don’t have to? Neither does the rest of the country.

With so many people suddenly stuck at home, the loungewear industry has seen a large bump in sales, especially comfortable pants and pajamas. Funnily enough, nice blouses, professional shirts, and ties have also seen expanded revenue, whereas jeans, suit pants, and skirts have largely remained on the racks. 

  1. Puzzles, Games, & Books

For many, COVID-19 has meant plenty of newfound free time, whether they wanted it or not. With nothing to do, people are turning to long-drawn-out leisure activities to fill their days.

At the onset of quarantine, jigsaw puzzles quickly went out of stock at most in-person retailers and online stores. Reunited families are enjoying board games together in unprecedented numbers. 

Book sales are booming overall, but specific genres have fallen off the map altogether. These are some of the highest-performing categories since March:

  • Cooking and baking

If you didn’t make a loaf of bread during quarantine, did it really happen? When confined to their homes, many people take up cooking or baking as a full-time job (posting it to Instagram as their side hustle).

  • Eco-friendly non-fiction

Gardening and sustainable domestic activities are on the rise right now.

  • Children’s books and educational resources

Now that parents are taking on a second job as grade school teachers, there’s been inflation in resources aimed at children’s development and continued learning, as well as fiction novels for kids. 
Unsurprisingly, books about business and travel, including guidebooks and foreign-language manuals, have seen a downward trend. 

  1. CBD

In general, the CBD industry has gone through a serious upturn in sales and widespread use. But especially during COVID-19, people rely on CBD oil to relieve anxiety, depression, pain, and other unpleasant symptoms.  

To decrease household distractions while working from home, people have even started administering CBD oil for dogs to calm their rowdy canine companion. This upward trend may just continue after quarantine has come to an end. 

  1. Home Goods

Quarantine is like the opposite of empty-nester syndrome—everyone is nesting, all the time.
Whether it’s time to refresh the kitchen, create a new work-from-home office with the latest furniture, or completely redecorate the bedroom, plenty of DIY projects and renovations are happening every day. These all contribute to the success of many home improvement industries:

  • Building supplies, including paint and hardware
  • Furniture ranging from couches to desk chairs to kitchen cabinets
  • Decors, such as artwork, curtains, and throw pillows

Many popular IKEA items have been sold out and even oversold since earlier this year. 

  1. Online Ordering & Delivery

Even before COVID, you could purchase most things online. Now that people are hardly leaving their houses, there’s an even greater increase in online shopping, curbside pickup, and food delivery services. Among the most successful industries are:

  • Amazon
  • DoorDash, Postmates, and UberEats
  • USPS and FedEx
  • HelloFresh and Eat Clean Bro for meal prep kits

Business as Usual

You’ve heard it before, and you’ll hear it again: these are “unprecedented times.” Until things return to “normal,” support the businesses you hope to use after all this is over. As a consumer, you dictate the booms and busts. 

Shop at the small local businesses you love, invest in Zoom Video shares before it’s too late, and don’t forget to stock up on the most valuable luxury item of all: toilet paper. 

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