How to Flash Motorola Firmware and Updates

Do you want to flash your Motorola Android smartphone, or do you want to unbrick it today? I am going to tell you how to do that.

If you have already downloaded the firmware and the next thing is how to flash it, then read down for how to do that.

When you download firmware files, the compression may differ, and the firmware type may also differ.

There are firmware files that are the official release, there are official updates or upgrades, and there are other ones that can be used to unbrick or relock the bootloader.

If you are flashing a firmware compressed in, then follow the procedure below.

Prerequisite to flash Motorola Firmware

How to Flash Motorola Firmware in Extension.

  • Download your Motorola stock firmware
  • Download and install Motorola Device driver
  • Download mfastboot zip file
  • Extract Firmware and mfastboot to the same folder you can easily locate
  • The firmware file comes in an
  • Power off your phone
  • Reboot your phone to bootloader or use this command to boot to bootloader adb reboot-bootloader
  • In the mfastboot folder, open the adb command file or command prompt
  • enter the following command one after the other to flash the firmware.
  • fastboot oem lock begin
    fastboot flash partition gpt.bin
    fastboot flash bootloader bootloader.img
    fastboot flash logo logo.bin
    fastboot flash boot boot.img
    fastboot flash recovery recovery.img
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.0
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.1
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.2
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.3
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.4
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.5
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.6
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.7
    fastboot flash system system.img_sparsechunk.8
    fastboot flash modem NON-HLOS.bin
    fastboot erase modemst1
    fastboot erase modemst2
    fastboot flash fsg fsg.mbn
    fastboot flash bluetooth BTFM.bin
    fastboot erase cache
    fastboot erase userdata
    fastboot oem lock
    fastboot reboot
  • The command-line system.img_sparsechunks may differ. Confirm by checking the firmware folder.
  • At the last command, your phone will reboot.
  • The first booting may take time to boot.

If the firmware is in .tar.gz extension, you can flash it by using this command in your cmd flashall.bat /eu

If you are flashing firmware updates, you should first of all check if there is an OTA update available for your phone through the system update setting.

If it shows as unavailable, you can then proceed with this process.

How to flash Motorola Firmware Updates using sideload

  1. Download the firmware update that you want to flash
  2. Download and properly install ADB Drivers
  3. Go to Settings and make sure that USB Debugging is enabled; if it is not, enable it
  4. To enable USB Debugging, go to About Phone and continuously click on the model number till it tells you that you are not a developer.
  5. Go back to settings, and you will find developer options.
  6. Enter it and enable USB Debugging
  7. Power down your smartphone and boot it to recovery.
  8. Copy the downloaded firmware to the folder where your ADB is installed
  9. In your recovery, select Update from ADB
  10. Make sure to copy the downloaded Fastboot file to the same folder
  11. Now open the Windows command prompt in the same folder and type in the following command.
  12. adb devices
  13. The above command will check whether ADB is properly installed and connected to your phone
  14. Now, to flash the firmware, copy the complete filename of the firmware and enter the command below in CMD
  15. adb sideload ”  File
  16. The filename represents the complete name of the firmware you copied.
  17. Wait for the flashing to complete, and you are done.

If the above method didn’t work for you, you can flash it with the procedure below

How to flash Motorola firmware through stock recovery

  • Follow the process above, but instead of choosing the update from ADB, choose install from internal memory or SD card.
  • If you are flashing from an external SD card, just copy the firmware to the root of your SD card or internal memory.
  • Locate the firmware and flash it.

There is firmware that comes with a flash. bat file extension in it; those ones are easy to flash; all you have to do is make sure you properly install the driver for your smartphone.

Connect your smartphone to your PC and double-click or run the .bat file.

The flashing of the firmware will begin.

How to flash Motorola smartphone with RSD Lite Flash Tool

  • Download all the required drivers and install them on your PC.
  • Download RSD Lite
  • Download firmware to your PC
  • Extract the firmware to any folder you can easily access. After installing RSD Lite, launch it.
  • In RSD Lite, click the three dots inside the circle
  • Locate the firmware you downloaded.
  • There are various firmware extension that would be listed
  • Select the firmware and open it; RSD Lite will launch the firmware.
  • Power off your phone and boot to fastboot mode by pressing the volume up and down and power buttons simultaneously till it boots to fastboot.
  • Make sure you are using a detectable USB cord.
  • Connect your phone to the PC and click Start.
  • The flashing will begin; wait for it to finish, and do not shake your smartphone.
  • Once you are done, reboot your smartphone.

If you find any of these, please use the comment form below to tell us your problem. Goodluck

If you are flashing other smartphones like MediaTek, SpreadTrum, Qualcomm Snapdragon, and other chipsets, Check the instruction below

How to Flash All Android Smartphone


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