Why Your Instagram Engagement Is So Low

Having an Instagram account is beneficial for you as a brand manager, marketer, or influencer. However, it needs to have followers whose percentage is enough to improve your engagement rate. The reason why your Instagram engagement is low may be due to the following reasons.

1. Having Fake Followers

In a bid to increase the audience, you may turn to shortcuts for having fake accounts. Bots create these fake accounts, and even though it may increase your follower number, it is not suitable for your engagement rate. Once detected, that can compromise your account and even make your real followers realize it.

The remedy to this is by buying real followers for Instagram or making use of a growth service. Before you buy followers, you need to know reliable sites that will offer you a real audience. These companies offer you organic growth and authentic followers that will help you grow your audience on Instagram.

2. Wrong Niche

If your niche is not in line with beauty, fashion, cooking, and traveling, Instagram may not be ideal for your brand. It is a marketing platform but uses pictures, videos, tags, and photos for advertising. If yours is majorly texts and sharing links, then Instagram may not be appropriate. That is why your engagement rate is low, and you need to use another platform.

3. Over-Advertising

Too much advertising may pass out as you are too pushy, and followers do not like that. If you are promoting your products, let their value stand out to your audience instead of the promotional perspective. The quality of your brand should be on the frontline rather than marketing it.

3. Monotony

Overdoing your marketing strategy will eventually bore your followers, leaving them uninterested, and they may even unfollow you. Your content may be engaging and moves your audience, but they will stop liking or viewing it with time, especially if you don’t continue to make it interesting. Be creative in your promotional messages, and make your posts as engaging as possible.

Let your images, reposts, shares, news, and photos be entertaining as well as educational. The more people view, share, and like your content, the more your engagement rate rises.

4. Not Making Use Of CTAs

You may not realize how important it is to use CTAs in your posts, and if you have not been using them, you need to start doing it. Encourage your followers to comment, like, and share your posts. Make your audience take action after posting your content.

Your content may be appealing, but if it does not engage your followers, you are losing out. Remember to make your posts funny and attractive so that they will not hesitate to do so when you tell followers to share.

5. Not Paying Attention To Your Account

If you neglect your bio, then you are working against yourself. Give information on your bio about your brand and make it brief. The quality of your content should be high and diverse. You need to keep track of how the account is performing by looking at each post’s analytics.

Let other influencers help you by giving you helpful tips on how to grow your following and brand. You can even collaborate with them so that you can reach out to more people.

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