Best plant identification apps to identify plants

A plant identifier app can help you identify unknown plants simply by uploading their picture. It identifies the plant as well as its background information. A plant identifier can tell you about the species and the processes involved in their upbringing. 

This article covers some plant identification apps that help identify unknown plant species. The procedure includes clicking the plant’s picture and uploading it on the application. The AI technology will identify the plant and generate the results within seconds. 

These apps are mostly free and do not need any additional requirements for operating. They can be used for educational or research-related studies as well as for recreational purposes. 

Overview of WhatisthePlant 

AI Plant Identifier is a plant identification app that gives information by using artificial intelligence. This is a web app where you can drop the plant’s picture that you need to identify, and you will receive a complete report within a few seconds. It is effortless to use and gives you reliable information too. 

You can expect absolutely accurate results with no susceptible errors. The technology searches from its enormous database and offers you the most appropriate facts and information based on reliable sources all through the internet.

It aims to offer several possible results rather than relying on just one result. Users can choose the results based on the scores given to each result. The better the score, the more reliable the search result.

Advantages of AI Plant Identifier 

Advantages of AI Plant Identifier

There are various notable features of this AI Plant Identifier app, as follows: 

  1. The website operates 24/7. This means that there is no restriction of time, and you can use it whenever you want. The AI-operated website can provide you with information at any time of the day. 
  2. The tool provides a creative search report. It will provide you with all the possible outcomes of your search. 
  3. Once you provide it with a picture, it automatically assists you with different types of searches based on scores. 
  4. The analysis and identification are swift and take only a few seconds to give you a compact result. It works fast, even under slow-speed internet connectivity. 
  5. The identification process is absolutely free. There is no fee or subscription required to use this AI plant identifier. 
  6. The identifier has an easy-to-use interface, which makes the users feel more comfortable. 
  7. The website’s appearance is appealing, making it comfortable for the users to work on it.
  8. The database of AI plant identifiers is constantly increasing every day. This means you can expect new plants in their database. As a result, expect to learn about any plant you find anywhere.
  9. The AI technology is capable of translating images with noise to some extent. As a result, even if you have some noisy photo, the tool might still be able to interpret it.
  10. Complete processing is automatic. Simply input the image, and you’ll get the results.
  11. This user interface is so easy that even a kid can use it conveniently.
  12. There’s no need to sign up or register on the website to use the features. This ensures quick working.
  13. You’ll get unlimited access to the tool. Search as many plants as you want. No issues using the website, even for hours. It’s all free!

A step-by-step guide to using the tool 

A step-by-step guide to using the AI plant identifier is as follows: 

  1. Visit the official website: 
  2. Upload the image or enter the URL where the plant’s photo is located. 
  3. Once the image uploads, it’ll automatically start recognizing the plant. 
  4. The results will be generated within seconds, showing details about the plant. Whether it’s a plant or non-plant image. 


Flowerchecker is an online mobile app that uses artificial technologies and human involvement to identify plants. It consists of a huge team that operates behind this app to ensure the accurate identification of plants. 

Besides identifying plants, the company collaborates with companies to provide information about fertilizers and pesticides. 

Point the mobile phone’s camera towards the plant’s leaves, and the app will capture and process the image immediately. Ultimately, it’ll present you with a compact result of your search. 

Unfortunately, the app isn’t available free of charge. You’ll be required to purchase it from the Google Play Store. There are several types of file formats supported. However, it demands precise, high-quality images with a clear view of the plant. The app sometimes fails to identify the plant in the image. This happens when the image isn’t clear or if the plant is barely visible in the photo. If the plant isn’t in the database, then the app will fail to recognize it.

Steps to use this tool 

The step-by-step guide to using the FlowerChecker app is as follows: 

  1. Open this link in your web browser:
  2. Google Play Store will automatically open up. Install and launch the app. 
  3. Once you have completed the download process, simply open the app and point your camera towards the plant’s leaves, which requires identification. 
  4. Once the image is processed through the app, you get the results and information about the plant. 
  5. This app works differently than some other apps. Flowerchecker relies more on human involvement than computer-based results. 


Search engines can often not understand what we are searching for as they are operated by keywords. In times like this, AI plant identifiers are becoming very useful. It takes only a matter of seconds to get information about any plant in any part of the world. These plant identification apps or tools are mostly free and easily accessible. 

By the end of this article, you must have learned about two apps that you can use to learn about new plants that you’re unaware of. Both of them are perfect to use on the go. You can learn about any unknown plant even if you’re out in the wild.

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