6 Tips On Marketing A Self-Published Book

Marketing your self-published book could be challenging, mainly if it’s your first time publishing and you don’t know how to promote it. Even though most authors consider hiring book marketing services for the job. But understanding the tools at your disposal and learning how to promote a self-published book is a great place to start. So, without further ado, let’s look at some important tips for marketing your self-published book. 

6 Tips On Marketing Your Self-Published Book

If you are thinking of marketing your self-published book, make sure you have a professional-looking book cover, an attractive book title, and a polished manuscript. Moreover, because you want your book to attract your target audience, consider investing your time and efforts in designing an appealing book cover that attracts your target audience once they see it. Successfully integrating these strategies into your marketing plan will open doors to several different book marketing strategies throughout your book marketing journey. 

The first step of every marketing campaign is deciding on a specific target audience. And books are no exception. So, to help you promote your self-published books effectively, here are some tips to get you started:

  1. Choose Your Target Audience

It is much easier to develop marketing strategies when you are aware of your target audience. You probably already know who your audience is, but you might need to break it up into smaller, easier-to-manage groups. However, keep in mind that your target audience might not always consist of the readers you hope will buy or read your book. It also includes people who might be interested in the subject matter of your book. So, it’s important to consider the genre, themes, and benefits your book offers the reader. Once you have determined your target market, you can use the following strategies to promote your book to those most likely to buy it.

  1. Create A Strong Online Presence To Engage With Your Target Audience

Having a strong online presence can be one of the most important strategies you use to promote and sell your self-published book. Start communicating with your audience after setting up your author’s website, blog, and social media accounts. Follow people you think will be interested in your book on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, then start commenting on their posts. Make sure to follow authors and creative heads who are active in the same genre as you. Think of this as a chance for networking. Your sales will increase if you interact with more people. However, if you are not a tech-savvy type of person, you can always hire book marketing services to help you develop these author platforms.

The goal is to create dependable connections with your audience. If you are sincere with the people you sell to, they can end up being friends and contacts for life who can support you and your book. Moreover, posting teasers or updates on the writing and publishing journey on social media is a great way to promote your book without alienating your audience. This could work well to build interest in your book before it is published.

  1. Focus On Developing A Useful Mailing List

Once you have established an online presence, you can consider utilizing an email marketing tool to stay in touch with your audience. Newsletters are a terrific tool because they allow you to interact with your audience proactively and get them to think about you and your book.

A newsletter can be a great marketing tool for your self-published book, but you must use it carefully to avoid offending your readers and losing your following. For example, you can share links or pages on your website, blog, or social media profiles to convince potential readers to subscribe to your email list. You can start sending out newsletters with information about your books, like revealing the publishing date, collecting new reviews, and notifying them about deals or discounts after you have an email list of your subscribers.

Moreover, to boost your newsletter’s value and convince people to subscribe, you can offer extra content, such as a chapter of your book. However, if your book is narrowly focused on a particular topic, you can post relevant articles and news about your specialized niche. Finally, at the end of each newsletter, don’t forget to add a synopsis and a link to your book’s order page.

  1. Leverage Influencer Marketing

Getting social media influencers to talk about your self-published book is a great way to boost sales. Despite the fact that they are quite expensive, book marketing services make this particularly easy. Book marketing services offer tailored solutions that satisfy authors’ specific requirements and save them a lot of money.

However, let’s say you are unfamiliar with the concept of influencer marketing. In that scenario, it usually involves social media influencers spreading reviews, book excerpts, contests, and other promotional content on their platforms about your book, which are frequently blogs or websites.

  1. Develop A Facebook Paid Marketing Plan

If you haven’t already created your official Facebook author page, time is running out! Learning how to market your self-published book requires knowledge of Facebook-targeted marketing. Once you have developed your author page for book marketing, there are a number of strategies to maximize its potential. You should start by requesting that your Facebook friends like your author page increase your readership.

As Facebook adverts for book promotion are launched here, the objective is to grow your following steadily. However, if you write nonfiction, you can share memes about your subject matter, snippets from your book, and blog posts from your website. Facebook-targeted marketing can produce hundreds of link clicks and likes for just a few dollars, increasing book sales. You can also include a link to your book’s listing on Amazon or another website you want readers to visit when you share a link to your blog on Facebook.

Overall, Facebook adverts make creating a precise target demographic simple, which also helps you increase your following. Once they are interested in your post, you extend the invitation to like and follow your Facebook author page. 

  1. Don’t Forget Search Engine Optimization

Your meta-data is important for readers to discover your book when they search on Amazon’s broad marketplace. Metadata includes all the information that you enter while creating your book listing. Here, I suggest hiring book marketing services to help you choose the most appropriate keywords for your book while conducting keyword research. 

Moreover, only three categories are available for selection from a list when entering the meta-data for your book on Amazon. However, you can easily increase that to ten categories by contacting KDP support. As you focus on the specifics of your Amazon listing, take the time to refine the book description that goes with your book listing. This quick summary must be well-written, concise, and convincing. You must think of SEO as an important marketing tool that can encourage readers to hit the buy button.


Now that you know how to promote a self-published book make sure you do it successfully to get things moving. However, if you don’t have the time or skills to promote your book, you can hire professional book marketing services for the job!

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