Advice for Driving Safely in the Winter

Winter driving can be treacherous if you’re not used to it.  A couple of snowflakes south of Virginia can close entire cities down until the thaw sets in.  If you have to be on the road in winter, here are the top things you should consider.

What If You Hit Black Ice?

Every year horror stories about car crashes on black ice start hitting the news.  People discuss having to find a car accident lawyer after getting sued for drifting and being unable to stop the car. 

Your car may fishtail, and you may realize it’s skidding, and you’re incapable of stopping it.  If that’s the case, take your foot off the gas, ease on the breaks, and try to turn your wheel against the skid.  Please don’t make any sharp turns or movements, as this may cause it to jackknife further. 

Dry ice can be hard to spot on most highways, though there are general warning signs where it’s worst, so keep a close eye out for it.

What Should You Keep In Your Trunk?

There are more than just a couple of things every car should have in their trunk for a rough winter.  Start with keeping a small shovel that you can use to dig your vehicle out if it gets snow plowed against.  It’s also a good idea to keep ice scrapers, a couple of extra blankets, and some emergency food and water. 

If you’re storing a plastic water bottle, make sure to open it and let out a little water before storing it in your car so that it doesn’t expand and crack if it freezes.

From here, it’s essential to consider things you’ll need if your vehicle gets stuck in the snow.  There’s a serious debate about whether planks, cat litter, or cardboard are the best options.  Planks are suitable for traction but can become a projectile that could harm someone or the car’s underside. 

On the other hand, cat litter doesn’t work if the snow is too wet and may be considered littering in some areas, leading to legal trouble.  Cardboard is an excellent middle ground that offers traction and is less likely to cause damage.

Sunglasses Are A Must

Although sunglasses are tied into summer fashion like they were made for each other- that doesn’t mean they can sit in your glovebox the rest of the year.  Sunglasses can block against the glare of the sun against snow and ice and will keep you focused on what’s happening ahead.  People who attempt to drive or travel over bright snow-covered areas without eye protection put themselves at risk of vision damage.  

Don’t Turn On Bright Lights.

Some people may instinctually turn on their high beams when they’re no longer able to see the road ahead of them.  Unfortunately, this plan isn’t well thought through and can result in bouncing back the light directly at you or other drivers.  Much like in a fog, turning on your high beams reflects the glare of the water in snow and ice, and instead of making things more straightforward, it will make it harder to navigate.  If it’s too snowy for you to see the road, consider following the car’s brake lights ahead of you.