B2B Sales Experience: Top 4 Trends to Watch Out for in 2023

Ecommerce and its B2B selling tools are not only progressing but transforming very quickly. Fresh trends appear every year that allow entrepreneurs to overtake their competitors. However, if you ignore these trends, you can easily lag behind and miss the wave. What was quite acceptable in 2020 may become irrelevant by mid-2023 as innovative B2B sales technologies enter the scene, including through the work of wholesale stores and online trading platforms.

B2B Sales Experience

In this article, we have collected the top 3 trends that will help you increase B2B sales.

The Realities of the B2B Sales Lead Market

Many technological solutions of today make it possible to quickly place information about your service and company and thus get a large stream of leads. As a result, you can reach the 3% of people who are waiting for your offer or pitch and are ready to sign an agreement immediately.

Other people will be too busy with their tasks to pay attention to you. It may turn out that the service or product you offer will not be relevant to them. Sometimes they are not even aware of the problem that you can help solve, because it somehow solves itself.

And this begs the question: where is the correct context format that will allow us to generate a new, effective approach to sales? To answer it, you need to figure out the concept of “the ideal client”.

The ideal client. Who are they

The ideal client. Who are they?

No, it is not just someone who can pay for your service or the product you provide to the business. An ideal client is one that you can identify as a company that can bring the greatest value to your business or part of it in the future.

In this case, it is worth understanding: why are we going to do all this?

First of all, it is to find out the context of your client, i.e., the reality in which they are.

For example, we are a company like FedEx that is launching in the B2B segment of corporations. Then we will most likely divide clients into specific groups, because a pharmaceutical company may have a different usage behaviour for our product than a company that provides outsourced IT services.

The ideal client format is more strategic and forces the salesperson to take a step back to look at the client as a person with a real lifestyle, fears, and interests, and thus build communication with them.

Every entrepreneur needs to provide a place for their business in an online environment. And e-commerce sales companies need to continue to promote and strengthen their platforms with new trends to keep up with the times.

Every B2B organization knows how difficult it is to gain the trust of potential leads and convert them into paying customers.

So, if your goal is to grow your business in 2023, but you do not know how to do it, the following trends can help you:

  1. AI and B2B Leads

AI has changed the business and is gaining traction in marketing and sales processes. In sales, it helps you find B2B leads and data that matches them. It also helps predict trends that sales reps can use to improve their productivity.

Also, they can receive contact numbers, emails, and ideas from any professional they can target in their business. It can help you use customer intent and behavior data to focus on improving sales lead experience based on their recorded past preferences.

By the way, as for your efforts in collecting leads via email newsletter, to achieve the ultimate efficiency, you need to reach proper email deliverability rates. This aspect is almost impossible to predict and manage. Or is it? We have a specialized tool you should try. Folderly is a tool focused on checking and optimizing email deliverability to achieve better marketing results.

  1. Personalization and CRM

Customer relationship management will soon become even more popular because it can integrate data from various business structures. It combines information from marketing, social networking, customer service, sales, allowing sales representatives to access data from a single centralized location.

It has now grown into much more than just a glorified organizer or spreadsheet replacement.

It is projected that by 2025 the potential of the customer relationship management market will be $82 billion and growing by 12% annually.

Qualifying sales leads nowadays use more than 2 digital devices that give marketing and sales teams an advantage. It consists of using information that provides a complete understanding of the potential for hyper-personalization and customer behavior.

Let’s look at the advantages of using personalization for qualifying sales lead and CRM:

  1. Developing customer relationships

When a client’s intent is carefully matched with lead data, it creates highly personalized emails that help convert sales and create valuable customer relationships.

  • Organization

Small business CRM makes it easier to keep track of appointments, information loss is minimal, and customer prioritization becomes much more efficient. The departments such as marketing, service, shipping, and sales stay organized and connected.

  1. Video reviews and consultations

2020 put the whole world in quarantine, and the remote consumption of goods and services has grown significantly. Consumption has become reasonable; you need more information about a product to purchase it, especially if the customer is buying from you for the first time. To do this, you need to make video reviews of products, giving a broader picture. 

Due to restrictions caused by quarantine, a new trend has emerged in e-commerce – video consulting and video reviews from offline stores. Some major equipment sellers are already used to this. And as practice proves, every third video consultation ends with a purchase.

The way video consultation works is very simple. The buyer visits the website and gets acquainted with the description and characteristics of the product. They contact the store’s consultant via a video link if they do not have enough data. The consultant can conduct a “tour” to show the product at work.

Sales representatives can also share and record video materials via Linkedin messages, email, and social media. It is now easier to communicate with potential customers, as videos allow you to communicate one-on-one, which is the best option for meeting a potential customer in person.

Such content seems to have a higher value regarding how customers consume content online. It is clear that whether it is support, search, tracking, or closing deals, videos play a vital role in the B2B sales experience.


B2B sellers improve their customer service every year. This increases sales, but it also increases customers’ demands and expectations. Finding the best solution that can satisfy the customer creates new trends.

Sales trends are aimed at creating conditions that will allow you to quickly or even automatically solve issues, take care of users’ doubts about buying products in an online store, and attract buyers.

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