Black Friday: 10 Marketing Ideas to Get the Most Out of It

Surely you’ve heard about the famous Black Friday. This key day for many companies arrives directly from the United States and many businesses agree that this day, their sales multiply.
Want to know how to get the most out of Black Friday? Keep reading and find out.

What is Black Friday? And the Cyber ​​Monday?

Black Friday is a world-famous day celebrated on the last Friday of November every year, the day after American Thanksgiving. “Black Friday” is the kick-off of Christmas shopping: the madness to find offers for Christmas gifts is unleashed this day.
It is very likely that you also heard about the so-called Cyber ​​Monday. This day is celebrated the Monday following Black Friday and began to be celebrated in 2005 mainly to encourage sales in digital businesses.

Curiosities about Black Friday

Today, both Black Friday and Cyber ​​Monday are important days for business sales of all kinds. Do you think it is not so much? Well, with these curiosities you will convince yourself:

  • A business usually marks its losses in red and profits in black. Hence, “Black Day” receives this name: it is one of the biggest benefit days in the whole year for many businesses around the world.
  • A clothing or technology store is practically obliged to do some special action for Black Friday: they are the heroes of this day for the customer!
  • Men are the ones who buy the most on Black Friday. According to data from Black Friday Global. They buy an average of 4 products between 8:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. and spend an average of € 173 in total.

Black Friday: 10 marketing ideas to get the most out of it

1. Notify your database

Do not wait for Black Friday or Cyber ​​Monday to arrive to communicate with your customers. Send an email in advance informing about the promotions that can be found in your store items.

2. Causes impulse selling

Generate a sense of urgency by adding, for example, a countdown to your promotions. Do so in the promotional emails you send to your database and on your website. You can create a special landing or banners for the event. And is that Black Friday and marketing go hand in hand.

3. Create a “Gift Guide”

Creating a “Gift Guide” can be a great idea. For some, Black Friday is a day of compulsive shopping but, for many others, this day is the beginning of Christmas shopping, so if you facilitate your search you can buy more and better.

4. Promote the offers that will be available several weeks before

Notify or promote well in advance what products will be on offer on Black Friday. You can make a video as a teaser or simply a banner with a landing where the user can find what offers you will have. So that day will go directly to your website because you will know that there you will find what you are looking for.

5. A good opportunity to get new subscribers

Many users can visit your website for the first time on Black Friday. Take the opportunity and propose that they subscribe to your newsletter. You can tell them that by subscribing they will be able to find all the information related to the promotions of Black Friday, Cyber ​​Monday or other offers during the year.

6. Create a special Black Friday discount code

A special discount code for Black Friday is a great idea. Not only because of the feeling that you generate in the user, who feels that he is really taking advantage of an offer when putting the code, but also because it will be very easy for you to later analyze the sales of this day.

7. Includes a chatbot

Including a chatbot on your website with special messages for Black Friday can help generate, even more, that sense of urgency in the purchase. You can promote certain items, promote the discount coupon, mention how much time is left for offers to end, among other options.

8. Create a flash offer to generate more urgency

Everyone knows that what happens on Black Friday stays on Black Friday … However, if you create a flash offer on your page, the feeling that this promotion is now or It never helps to generate more sales.

9. Prepare a retargeting campaign for Cyber ​​Monday

On Black Friday your numbers of abandoned carts will likely increase. Try to recover them by doing a retargeting campaign to recover those possible sales on Cyber ​​Monday.

10. Not everything is discounts on Black Friday

If you want Black Friday not only to generate more consumerism you can turn the tortilla. Do not offer a discount to the users of your page: use these dates to be the one who “gives away”. It offers a higher cost that will go to a specific cause, such as an NGO.

Now that you know some marketing techniques for Black Friday, you can surely face this day with good expectations. Prepare your ideas for Black Friday and do not miss the opportunity to multiply your sales: good anticipation of Christmas sales!

Do you have other ideas for this day? Tell me in the comments section!

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