What to check before buying a Web Hosting Plan

We have decided to share our little web hosting experience and what you should also know before you consider or before you purchase a web hosting package.

We will try to explain every single thing and experience we had, and you can also benefit from that.

You should consider giving it a good look before you make the go-ahead. And after reading this article, you can visit Verpex to see if they are the right hosting provider for you. They offer WordPress hosting as well as cloud hosting.


Many of us or some web novices started through a web platform such as Blogspot from Blogger which is owned by Google, Wapka, Perperonity, my wap blog, Blogmr, and many other web services that are absolutely free.

All this platform host your website for you, most especially Blogs for free at no single cost for a lifetime.

You can see that in this life like it is being said that nothing comes free and so it is when it comes to web service if you take something from someone for free, it is still that you are not the owner until you pay for a service, then you become a sole owner, so it is when it comes to web hosting service and web platform.

Those free web CMS will give you a service at free cost and you and them will be the owners, yes you and them.

Many people have complained that Google through Bloggers Blogspot without any notice or warning deleted or shut down their website.

It is because they are the owner and you are also the owner.

I was once one of the affected users on Blogspot when my blog was hosted there.

They just closed my blog without even a single notice, they complained that my blog failed the policy of containing an adult content which I don’t know how true that was but I replied to them and they reviewed my blog and reinstated it.

If one of these incidents happens to you and you have up to 1000 post contents in it and they shut it down. You will lose everything unless you normally do a backup of your posts may be daily or weekly.

Do you think that would be fair or what would you think of next?.

That is why we made what is hosting? our first clue to start with.


WEB HOSTING is like making a contract with a company for some mentioned amount of years or months for them to store stuff for you.

In web hosting, when you buy a web hosting plan, you will have FULL access to every single content in it.

Web hosting is like giving somebody some amount of money to secure an item for you, and you also will have complete access to what the person is securing for you.

All Web Hosting Companies Store our data for us according to the agreement we made with them which is the price of the hosting plans.

Web Hosting makes it easier for us to bring our products to the web the way we want it.

Those contents and products that you are posting or hosting in many free content web services that you don’t have full right to or are afraid of maybe losing it, in web hosting, you have full access to almost everything in web hosting.

In Web Hosting, when you buy even if it’s a Cheap Web Hosting package, you signed a contract with that company to host your content for you on their server with some storage space provided and bandwidth too.

All the web hosting packages come with specified storage assigned to it with unlimited access to it but limited Bandwidth or Storage.

Some hosting companies offer unlimited storage and unlimited bandwidth attached to it.

Each Hosting package like we mentioned before has their different way of making things.


My first mistake was making a yearly payment to GoDaddy to host my BlogSpot post on GoDaddy.

I was a little lucky that I hadn’t exceeded my money-back guarantee days before I issued a refund ticket which they sent me back my money.

Now that you know what web hosting is, I guess we should be moving to our next part which is the domain name.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is a name that your website bears, a name you desire it to be without a subdomain.

Sites like Blogspot and other free web content services give you a free subdomain when you sign up.

All the free hosting on the internet offers a subdomain too when you signup with them.

But when it comes to paid web hosting, you have to use a professional domain or a paid domain with no subdomain in it.

To avoid mistakes and other issues, many hosting companies, and providers offer a free professional domain when you signup or purchase their hosting plans.

Some of them offer a free domain for a lifetime. WOW! It may sound to you right?. That means you have to pay for only the hosting plan and will never worry about domain renewals.

But I tell you, those hosting plans with free lifetime domains come with a huge amount of money.

Their yearly renewals or monthly renewal can buy you a Cadillac car.

You see, they have ways to cover the free domain they gave you.

Don’t be fooled by any free domain package, or any hosting provider that you wish you make your purchase in, do thorough research about their renewal prices, that is where the problem lies.

Almost half of the Cpanel web hosting in the world offers a one-year free domain and then after that first year, you have to pay for its renewals yearly,



The answer is NO and YES. When it comes to YES, like I said before, it is always advised to confirm their renewal prices so that it won’t be a burden to you.

If their renewal prices are equivalent to the renewal price of other domain providers, then you should go for it.

The domain renewal prices range from $10 to $15 per year.

When you confirm from one of those hosting providers and their renewal price is OK, then, the YES answer goes to you.

When it comes to NO, it is a situation where the domain renewal prices fall between $30 to $60 per year, the NO might be your yes if you can afford to renew it at that price.

It’s all left for you. You are the Boss. For new webmasters, it is highly advised not to register the free domain attached to your hosting plan for the same reason mentioned above, you might not be able to pay off its renewals unless you mean business.


Another thing to Consider its the Hosting provider servers uptime. This kills the dream of many webmasters. For me, it pisses me off. Free content services like Blogspot on Blogger never have a downtime talk more of a paid or contracted web hosting package, it means they are not able to handle a contract you give to them.

In a web world, website uptime is one of the things you should consider a very high priority, it makes your content to be available whenever it is needed.

Even when search engines want to crawl your site or blog, it will be available to be crawled.

NOTE: This content is not affiliated in any way or sponsored, it is based on the user’s opinion and experience. When it comes to this part, I won’t side anybody, it’s for your own good that we are listing this.

Never go for hosting providers that won’t offer you a reliable uptime for your service. It will drive your customers or your visitors away from your website.

There are many ways to know if a particular provider is good or not, you use this keyword to search for it on google or other search engines “that providers reviews“, that provider represent the name of the hosting provider you wish to inquire for.

Read every single or gather enough information about that company before you decide on what to do.

There are many Hosting Providers that can give you a good uptime service, to be sincere with you, I cannot guarantee any Provider, but there are a few I have tried and they gave me what I want.

Some of them are Godaddy, Siteground, and Green Geek Hosting. My listing doesn’t matter, remember what I said to you, the only way is to research for its reviews on a search engine of your choice and see what others say about it.


There is nothing happier than when you look for something and you found it immediately.

It gives joy. No matter your extent of Knowledge in the Internet world, you don’t know everything, you just know some.

One day you will need someone’s help and the only people that can help you solve that is your Hosting provider Customers Service.

To be sincere with you, Many Hosting Providers Customers Service is hell, You won’t like that. I have never enjoyed Live Chat more than I do with one of the Siteground.com Staff called Mirko.

He is ready to do anything for you without more hassle. He is ready to receive any question you will ask him and he will do that for you.

This is what we want, no one wants to be stressing him/herself in life while there are some easy ways to go about it.

When you are making your choice in which hosting to go for, Consider Customer Service as one of your options.

A good Support and Live Chat will Jetpack your Urge in your internet activities. A good web hosting supposes to have a good live chat, a good support ticket that replies at least one 1hour of submission of the ticket.

If they don’t offer you that, don’t try to host your content there, they won’t value your satisfaction at all.


Web Hosting Speed
Web Hosting Speed

The reason why I include this is that it helps in SEO and drives more traffic to your site.

There is nothing sweet like when someone clicks your links, it opens within a seconds or less.

Site speed increases not only your visitors or SEO, but it also increases your Alexa rank, yeah Alexa rank, I can assure you of that.

We fell from 10million to 1million and to 900000. When your visitors enjoy the load speed of your river and the service you offer, then you are good to go.

When considering the web hosting to choose, you should also consider this as one of your options. Do the research and find out which one will serve you right.


It is also important to check the web hosting panel while buying many providers are providing cpanel but there are many other cpanel alternatives as well.

Additional features are some features that a web hosting provider adds in their hosting plans to make your web experience a better one.

All the web hosting services on the internet are not the same, there are many options you will see in this one that you won’t see in the other one.

Some of them include free stuff like free AdWord credits, free site locks, free bing credits, free SEO tools, Cloudflare, and many others.

Some of those features cannot be seen in another hosting provider, so do the research and know what they got.


Web Backup
Web Backup

There is nothing better than this, it gives the second hope of things. You will never be afraid of hacks.

I have been a victim of hackers twice through a brute force attack but I was very lucky because my hosting Provider offers a daily backup of my site.

The reason why I made it daily is that, I do make regular updates on my site and if such happens, when I restore my contents from the backups, I will still not be losing anything.

These daily backups don’t make my storage to be full easily, it comes with a feature of deleting old backups when a new one is coming. If your hosting plan is unlimited, then you don’t have any reason to worry about storage.


Article Summary
Article Summary

From what I explained above, I guess this will help you not to make the wrong choice when it comes to choosing the best hosting provider that will give you everything you want.

But remember, in this world, one will never be fault-free, there must be something that they are lacking behind but we don’t want it to be that big that the customer will find it unsatisfactory.

Remember that out of all the things mentioned above, server uptime is the best priority. Remember that this is also an article base on user opinion and not the general opinion. Hope you find it very helpful if it does, remember to share it with your friends and love ones.

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