Characteristics Of a Compelling Essay

College and university students are often assigned to write quality essays. These types of writing assignments are imperative for the students to enable them to express their thoughts about different issues or topics in their own unique way. Significantly, it allows students to develop critical, analytical, and creative thinking. 

Let’s say if a student is creative in his thoughts, and has some really good ideas and thoughts in his mind but when it comes to writing it in the form of an essay, he doesn’t know about the format and structure of the essay and what are the characteristic features that make his essay compelling to his readers. There are some reliable writing resources available such as wow essays that help the students to become accomplished writers.

We know, every student tries his best to write a quality essay so that it may not only make him stand out in his class but also to achieve and score some good grades.

In this article, some important characteristic features are shared for the student to craft a quality essay to impress not only the readers but themselves too in the first place.

Essay must be clear and concise

Your essay must be written clearly and must have a simple writing style. The words should not be fancy and hard for the readers to understand. Remember, the more your essay is understanding and simple the more it captures the reader’s interest. If your essay is not just long for the readers but also it is confusing and not clear for their understanding then, no matter how many pages you write it becomes insignificant.

Be relevant to the topic

The main characteristic of an essay is that whatever argument you make and the evidence you provide to support your argument, it should always be relevant and specific to the main topic of your essay. To support your idea or point of view, you as a student have to develop the writing skills that enable you to find pieces of evidence through your research that convince your readers to agree with you about the topic.

Be coherent

To be coherent in your essays means that the arguments and evidence you are providing in different paragraphs must not be felt disconnected or irrelevant to the readers. The paragraphs must have coherence and connection with each other and also with the main topic or the thesis of the essay. Therefore, your thesis statement has to be a strong one so it will control the remaining paragraphs to stay intact till the end. This is one of the most important characteristics of a good and effective essay.

Avoid Informal Words or Expression

A good-quality essay does not have unnecessary and informal words or expressions. The readers can instantly recognize the difference between a quality essay and a bad one. For your writing to stand out as a masterpiece, this is something you need to avoid using in your essays.

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