Fix “REJECT” Error When Recharging Prepaid Metre Using KCT

I myself was faced with this error on the device I used to recharge my Enugu Disco prepaid metre.

At first, I thought it was a network problem, so I tried to wait to see whether everything was going to normalise, but it didn’t.

After trying over and over again and still getting the error, I decided to find out why.

In my own case, I was lucky enough to remember that my neighbour once came to my house to recharge, and he came with a bunch of numbers, which was unusual compared to the 22-digit codes we used to recharge with.

Rather, he came with 3 different numbers, each of which was long and worked when he entered them into the recharging device.

Curiously, I asked him, and he said he was told that he needed to enter those numbers before he could recharge his prepaid metre.

Fast forward to my time; I usually recharge on my own; and I never got any numbers except for the 22-digit token numbers for the units.

I tried recharging and faced that dreaded error and that was when I remembered my neighbour and his numbers.

I went and researched, and that’s when I realised that it seems Discos upgraded their services, and for you to continue using their services, you must do what they called KCT Validation.

Honestly, I don’t know what that means, but for you to fix the error, you need to generate a KCT number and validate.

Below, I am going to show you how to generate this KCT and fix that error once and for all.

How to Generate a KCT Number

To generate this number, it is important to confirm your electricity provider.

Mine is Enugu disco, and their KCT generation is different from other locations or states.

For Enugu Disco

Go to this website by following the link below.

Enter your metre number and press generate.

You will be giving 2 different KCT numbers: KCT 1 and KCT 2.

EEDC KCT Generator showing a meter number, kct number 1 and kct number 2

Enter the KCT 1 number on your recharging device and hit enter. After that, enter the KCT 2 number and enter.

After that, you can now enter your token unit, and you won’t get any “REJECT” errors anymore.

For other states and Regions

If you are from other states or regions, do not worry; you can follow the link below to generate your KCT.

For Ikeja Electric (IKEDC), Eko Electricity Distribution Company (EKEDC), Abuja Electricity Distribution Company (AEDC), Kano Electricity Distribution Company (KEDCO), Jos Electricity Distribution (JED), Kaduna Electricity Distribution Company (KADECO), Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company (IBEDC), Benin Electricity Distribution Company (BEDC), Aba-Electric- (ABEDC), and Yola Electricity Distribution Company (YEDC), you can generate your KCT below.

Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Plc (PHED)

For Port Harcourt Electricity Distribution Plc (PHED), you can generate your KCT below.

If you face any challenges on this, do not hesitate to drop a comment below, so we can fix the problem together.

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