[Flash File] Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22 Firmware Download [Stock Rom]

Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22 Firmware Download.

You are about to download Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22 stock rom.

You can download all Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22 Flash File from Blogthetech.

Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22 Firmware Information

Rom NameHuawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22 Stock Firmware Rom
Rom OS VersionAndroid 8.1
Software neededRecovery
DriversHuawei Device Drivers
CodenameY5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22

You can use this firmware file to flash Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22.

If also you want to upgrade or downgrade your smartphone, you can use this stock rom.

This firmware flash file can also help to fix a lot of problems on your smartphone.

Some problems like hanging, battery drain, app crashing, and other problems.

You can use this stock rom to remove the locked screen, remove root, fix many system errors, and unbrick Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-L22.


  1. Huawei_Y5_Prime_2018_DRA-L22_MT6739_1.0.0.150_C185_110918_8.1.0.zip
  2. Huawei Y5 Prime 2018 DRA-LX2 Dra-L22 Dura-L22-BD Board Software general NA Google 05022JEL Secro + MTK AllInOne DA.rar
  3. Huawei-Y5-2018-Android8.1.0-DRA-LX2_DRA-L22_hw_cea_hw_eu_normal_HLRCF_Dura-L22_1.0.0.139_C461.rar 
  4. DRA-L22
  5. DRA-L22 DRA-LX2 DUA Dura-L22 (C461) Firmware Android8.1.0 NA 05015EHH
  6. Huawei_Y5_Prime_2018_Dura-L22_MT6739_27032019.zip

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