Download Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585 Firmware Flash File and follow the procedure to flash and fix Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585.
You are about to download Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585 stock rom.
You can use this software file to flash Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585.
If also you want to downgrade or update Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585, you can use this stock rom.
This file can also help to fix a lot of problems such as hanging, battery drain, app crashing, and other problems.
You can use this stock rom to remove the locked screen, remove root, fix many system errors, and unbrick Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585.
Instructions and Downloads for Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585 Firmware
Version: Android 8.1
Samsung Model: Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585
Flash File Region: Singapore
Flash Filename:
Flash File Region: United Kingdom
Flash Filename:
Flash File Region: Spain
Flash Filename:
Download for other Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585 regions here.
Follow this step to learn how to flash Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.1 SM-T585 ❰❰❰❰❰