7 Best Hackathon Software for Accessible Technologies

Hackathons are among the most popular events in the tech world for up and coming along with experienced programmers. In these events, one can display their abilities and gain several benefits.

In this article, we will talk about some software that one can use to manage this software and which ones are the best among them.

This software should also offer accessible technologies so that everyone can get a level playing field when it comes to giving equal opportunities to people with disabilities.

What is Hackathon Software

Hackathons are events hosted to bring together like-minded individuals from the programming field. These programmers and coders are gathered together to work on the same project.

Sometimes, many hackathon competitions are held to determine the programming ability of any coder who wishes to participate.

These events need to be managed properly and efficiently since coding is time sensitive, and so are these hackathons. Hence, hackathon software is used to manage the preparations for the hackathon and track the progress of all involved.

Hackathon software manages the time, regulations, ambiguities, project submissions, and other aspects of this event, making these events more manageable.

What are Accessible Technology and its Significance

Accessible technology is also making its way into the mainstream tech world as more and more people embrace inclusivity. This means that brands and tech houses will focus on making software people with significant disabilities can easily use.

People with disabilities like blindness, loss of hearing, or touch can also use it without their disability hindering them.

Developing such software is not easy; however, it is an essential milestone to improve the world by giving people with disabilities the same opportunities and platforms as people without disabilities. 

To sum up, the software is vital in most daily interactions. Hence, universal software should give people equal control and usability regardless of disability. This is called accessible technology. People can use technology without any hindrances. 

Top 7 Hackathon Software

  1. Brightidea 

Many effective hackathon software on the market, among them Brightidea, offer some intelligent management features to help you run your hackathon smoothly.  Brightidea is a very user-friendly software that allows you to judge the pace of the event using various performance metrics.

The software is very customizable according to your hackathon needs. Some of the best features of this hackathon software are:

  • Allows you to judge the performance of the event using performance metrics
  • Has a customizable website
  • Allows you to manage your teams and collect submissions promptly
  • It can score, analyze and project data accordingly about the scores as well
  1. Mercer Mettle Xathon

Hackathons designed using this software from Mercer Mettle Xathon have an amazing success rate due to the brand value offered. Most campuses are affiliated with Mercer; hence, the hackathons have an incredible input-to-output ratio regarding event success.

This software will help you crowdsource ideas and work on up-and-coming problems. Hackathons conducted using this software have a high success rate and recruitment ratio.

Coding hackathons attract up-and-coming campus talent, and with the intelligent integration offered by Mercer Mettle Xathon’s accessible software, anyone can participate, including people with disabilities.

  1. EventTornado

The planning process of a hackathon is the most challenging aspect of arranging this event. Eventornado takes this burden off your weary shoulders.

Eventornado allows you to plan this process while keeping every minute detail in mind so that people with special abilities can also receive a fair chance of play, and there is no bias involved.

For the second execution phase, Eventornado is just as good here. The integration possibilities are numerous, and the ability to hold an event exactly as you want makes this software one of the best for hosting hackathons.

A free demo is available with this software, which we recommend you check out if you consider using it.

  1. Hype Innovation

Hype innovation is not a new player in the market and, thus, is the most trustworthy software service for managing an event.

Hackathons are very technical events to host and run. Hence management software from Hype Innovation plays a vital role in ensuring everything goes smoothly.

This software allows you to track the progress of every project from start to finish, keep the scores and store them, perform analytics to infer helpful information, get feedback from the teams, and manage them accordingly, along with engagement monitoring.

Furthermore, Hype Innovation allows users to gain complete access to their hackathon event to be a huge success.

  1. Slack

Slack is one of the hackathon management software that depends largely on communication. Effective communication is vital to any hackathon; Slack ensures this through multiple communication channels. It is more like a real-time messaging service, where messages are saved and can be sent to anyone you want.

Hence, according to the engineers at Slack, the more you communicate, the better you will be at your coding assignment and have fun at the event.

  1. SkipsoLabs

SkipsoLabs also offers amazing software for hackathons, which contain accessible features so that users with disabilities can get equal opportunities and enjoy these events.

That being said, this software is a complete package with the amount of control it gives you regarding your event and aids you in every scenario.

This app asks you to leave the new entrant information, project timeless, project submissions, scorekeeping, and social announcements to them and allows you to enjoy your event.

  1. Crowdicity

Crowdicity is known for being engagement intensive while featuring accessible features for people with disabilities.

In addition, Crowdicity software allows for co-creation and crowdsourcing for projects and does not hinder talent. Crowdicity offers a free demo in case you want to check it out.


Hackathons are an excellent way to give a platform and recognize talent in the computer science industry so that people are motivated to do the same.

This type of event always encourages teamwork. However, disabled people have been neglected in these competitions since there was no way to include them with others.

It would not have been fair. Thankfully, now that this software exists, we can safely say disabled people will get an equal chance to perform and showcase their talents.

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