How to Hire the Best App Developers Team for Startups at Low Cost?

Tech startups are no longer just about creating unique ideas with an app product. It’s a lot more than that. Startups do the crucial thing of bringing unique ideas into highly relevant and useful products that people find attractive. This is why choosing the right team of app developers is so critical for app development success. 

But there are numerous ways to engage a developer team to build your app, and each has its pros and cons. What way is best for your app product, and where to find the right developer teams? These are the things you need to handle for hiring the best app developers for your new startup idea. Here we are going to explain them. 

Key options to hire app developers for your app project

When you look for mobile app developers to hire, you have the following options at your disposal, and it is needless to say, each of them comes with its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s explain these options briefly. 

Hiring Freelance Developers 

If you are looking for an affordable rate or just the cheapest pricing to fit your shoestring budget, you end up hiring freelancers. You have plenty of online platforms to hire freelancers. But hiring freelancers is not the best option in most cases. Let’s understand the benefits and drawbacks of hiring freelance developers

Benefits of hiring freelance developers

  • The most significant advantage is, of course, the low-cost hiring to save your money
  • a total pool of talented developers working as freelancers all over the globe 
  • No worries about accommodating them with proper infrastructure, equipment and processes

Drawbacks of hiring freelance developers

  • Risk of hiring developers with a lack of commitment and integrity  
  • Chances of delayed delivery 
  • Poor execution and lack of accountability to fix the issues
  • Language and future barriers for overseas hiring 
  • Chances of abandoning projects the mid-way 

Hiring In-House Developers

is preferred by most companies with good development labs, IT infrastructure, and well-equipped HR management processes. It gives a company optimum control over quality and output while simultaneously creating a huge project cost burden. One approach that businesses explore to find top talents is partnering with Employer of Record (EOR) professionals. EOR service providers specialize in providing comprehensive HR solutions, including talent acquisition, onboarding, and ongoing employment support. Let’s briefly see these benefits and drawbacks. 

Benefits of hiring in-house developers

  • Optimum control on quality and output
  • Certainty on development timeline and roadmap 
  • Ease of communication, collaboration, and project management 
  • Stability and strength of developer resources 

Drawbacks of hiring freelance developers

  • Time and effort-consuming hiring process 
  • A huge recurring cost burden 
  • Permanent infrastructure and IT equipment cost 
  • Longer onboarding and integration time for resources 

Hiring an Outsourcing Development Company 

Outsourcing a development company for building your app remotely while remaining committed and bound by an agreement has become the most balanced way to breach the skill gap and reduce the cost while ensuring the highest quality output from the developers. But there are a few challenges as well. Let’s explain these benefits and drawbacks briefly here below. 

Benefits of outsourcing teams 

  • Global exposure to experienced and skilled developer teams
  • Faster hiring process with industry-standardized checks and balances 
  • Greater scope to bargain on the cost front
  • Faster project initiation and development cycle
  • With NDA signed, complete assurance of transparency 
  • Ultimate scalability and flexibility regarding app updates and maintenance 

Drawbacks of outsourcing teams 

  • Language and culture barriers can prevent companies from hiring from all parts of the globe 
  • Time zone differences and their impact on the project can also put a company at risk

Where to find the right app developer resources? 

Now that you have a good idea of different hiring options and their pros and cons, we will explain where you can hire the best app developer resources for your project. Here we mention them briefly one by one. 

  • Social Media Channels 

LinkedIn ranks well beside Upwork now as the place to find quality developers for app projects. Other social media channels also offer quite extensive exposure to developer talents worldwide. Dribble and Instagram are also famous for hiring tech talents. The only thing you need to check here is the authenticity of the data and claims by the developers and companies. 

  • Online Freelance Platforms 

There are many reputed freelance hiring platforms where you can find the right developer talents, including, Upwork, and many others. 

  • Peer suggestions 

Your business neighbor, friend, colleague, or just any of your close acquaintances can suggest developer teams with excellent credentials, and you can check with them. 

  • Rating and review platforms 

Rating and review platforms for tech companies such as Clutch and Goodfirms can easily help you come across many leading development companies for any niche. You always need to check deeper and get feedback from previous employers instead of taking their claims for granted. 

  • Get resources from tech events. 

All the annual conferences and tech events that happen every year in different parts of the globe help you to know leading developer talents for different skills. These events are great places for talent hunting and acquisition. 

Wrapping up 

So, these are some of the most credible ways a startup can hire app developers for their next project. There is no ideal way to hire developers for any app project since multiple considerations start from the budget, required resources, skills, and infrastructure. Hiring a remote development team or outsourcing a project is probably the most popular choice with the least bottlenecks. However, it may not also fit into many business app projects. 

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