How Technology Can Help Any Small Business Grow

Casting our minds back to the conventional, crude means of growing small businesses, we see a method that is not just hectic, but extremely slow in growth due to poor reach of the target audience, and poor means of intimating new changes to customers, to mention but a few. 

With the open secret of living in a high-tech world, this article suggests practical ways of employing technology to grow any small business irrespective of location and achieving successes like world-class online marketplaces like the London – based Digital marketing agency London and Bing Digital agency Magento eCommerce.

Ways Technology Helps Small Businesses Grow

  • Technology creates Ease of communication 

Business communication is almost effortless with the recent technological advances. Not only does modern technology make communication affordable, but it also breaks location barriers, in that a small business owner can reach out to potential customers or business partners across the globe through E-mail, blogs, social networks, to mention but a few.

  • Analytical Tools

Assessing your business progress, strength, and Achilles heel just got better with the use of technological tools. With this, you don’t just have to wait till the end of the month or day to assess your growth, but at any point in time you can for instance gauge the percentage of visitors your mobile shop or website attracted or your page load speed. This affords you the ability to make quicker business decisions.

  • Customer service

By employing Software tools, you could better improve relationships with customers:

  1. You can set up an online help desk to handle issues from customers.
  2. Use social media to host customer service.
  3. Get feedbacks from customers through online survey and questionnaires.
  4. Give clients option of scheduling appointments online at their disposal.
  • Financials

Use digital tools and Payroll Services to manage your company’s financials to improve faster payment options and minimize financial losses :

  1. File your taxes more efficiently online.
  2. Use online invoicing service to save you the financial cost and stress of doing that yourself.
  3. You can easily share your financial digital files with your Bookkeeper or Accountant to keep improving your bookkeeping and financial records.
  • Marketing

The examples of Digital marketing agency London and Bing Digital agency Magento Ecommerce cited at the onset grew their online presence because of employing different available marketing sites.

See instances of how you could do same: 

  1. Use social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, Pinterest etc to create awareness of your products, and services.
  2. Open a blog that is wholly concerned about your target market.
  3. Use the opt-in form to collect email addresses of interests and start using Email marketing.
  4. You could also use video Marketing
  5. Use online advertising 
  • Learning 

You can use modern technology to increase your knowledge of your field: 

  1. Join webinars or online business training to learn from experts in your field.
  2. If you eventually expand your business, you could use online video conferencing or telecconference calls to keep your team on the same track.

Pros of Use of Technology to Small Businesses

  1. Faster reach of the target audience
  2. Saves financial costs
  3. Improves learning from experts
  4. Improved communication 
  5. Uses online payments which are easy and convenient

Cons of Use of Technology to Small Businesses

  1. It requires some levels of technological know-how 
  2. There could be fear of hackers/scammers
  3. If your business targets the older population, it may be difficult finding them online.
  4. Poor internet access in some timid parts of the world.


A critical look at the features of using technology in growing your business points to its being easy and amazing in ushering in rapid growth in small-scale businesses. Why not give the use of digital tools a chance today in promoting your business and see the endpoint. So many sites online like the Bing digital agency Magento e-commerce do assist small businesses in setting up and growing e-commerce. Remember that technological innovations are on the bull run and the earlier you join the move the better.

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