How to make TWRP Recovery for Your Phone

I know there are many people like me out there and I know there are many people who don’t know what to do to their phone because maybe they can root it, that is why I made this post How to make TWRP for Your Phone is there is no TWRP for your Phone.

Do I need This?.

Well, you might not need this if you are an expert or geek but if you are Noob like me, you surely might be needing this.
Like I said before, it for those who don’t have any custom recovery or iPhone/Android data recovery software for their phone but wish to have one for themselves.


This is TOTALLY for Noobs. You might experience bugs like mount point issue or Inverted recovery issue after following the procedure below.

I am creating this post out of my personal experience and some I gathered online.
OK, too much talk, let get started.
For we to be able to that, we are going to need all of this.

  1. Carliv Image Kitchen.
  2. An ADB Script.
  3. Your Smartphone Driver.
  4. A VCOM Driver.
  5. MTK Droid Tool. ( Optional. It works only on KitKat and Below).
  6. A separate folder for our work.
  7. The stock recovery our phone.
  8. A custom recovery of another phone but must be the same chipset and kernel.(Very Important)
  9. An SP Flash Tool for MTK Smartphone.
  10. Notepad+
  11. A little brain.

Let’s explain the use of the above-listed things so that you will know when you are missing something.

  • Carliv Image Kitchen

Carliv Image Kitchen is used for the unpacking and repacking of Android Images like boot and recovery images. It extract images(.img file) to a respective folder.
An ADB Script: There are many smartphones which will need to flash the ported Recovery through Sideload or through ADB, without ADB Script, you won’t be able to do that.
Your Smartphone Drivers: This one is very important because if it is installed on your PC, your smartphone will never get detected by the PC may be for copying of file or moving.

  • A VCOM Driver

A VCOM driver is another important thing that when not properly installed, you will be having issues with your SP Flash Tool when trying to make a connection with SP Flash Tool and your Smartphone.

  • MTK Droid Tool

With this, you can backup your phone stock OS or Stock ROM or Stock Firmware to the PC and can even make a custom CWM recovery for your phone with the help of the software, with no stress attached.

The problem with the software is that it only works on the later version of Android which is Android 4.4 KitKat and below. And also, you will need to root your phone before you can use the MTK Droid Tool. That is why I made it optional.

  • Separate Folder

OKAY To be sincere with you, we are going to making use of many folders while doing this, so the reason why its important is just for you to study the folders for you won’t make a mistake and replace a wrong file.

  • Stock Recovery of our Phone

Before you can port a custom recovery for your phone, you must get the stock recovery of your because that is where we can get most o the files need for the porting.
A Custom Recovery of Another Phone: Let me explain this very well. Here, you should not be mistaken at all when looking for this.

You will need to download an App called CPU-Z. You can get it from Play Store or Google search it.

With the App, You can the SOCs of your phone and some other information like Chipset.
For example, when porting a recovery, you must get a custom recovery that matches exactly with yours.

If your phone is MT6535, you must get a custom recovery from a smartphone of MT6735.

Again, you have to check the Kernel of the phone, If your phone is Kernel 3.10.65, you must get a custom recovery of a smartphone with the same Kernel. it makes everything easier.

  • An SP Flash Tool

An SP Flash Tool is a software used in flashing stock rom to any MediaTek(MTK) smartphone.

It comes with many things like scatter file, with the scatter file, we can flash a custom recovery to our phone.

If there is fastboot in your smartphone, you can flash recoveries through Fastboot.

  • A little Brain

This one, you already know what it means, you have to check most things out on your own and always ready to catch up.

That is the complete explanation. If you need more explanation, you might get it along the post. Now let us get started.

How to Make TWRP for Your Phone Is There Is No TWRP for Your Phone

After downloading the requirements above, the first thing to do is to extract any extractable software or zip.

Go to Carliv Image Kitchen.
There are many folders in the Carliv Image Kitchen.

Copy your stock recovery image to recovery resources.
Rename its stock recovery.

Copy the custom recovery image you got from another phone and place it recovery resource folder and rename it custom recovery.

Put Stock and the recovery you want to port in the Carliv Recovery Resources Folder
Put Stock and the recovery you want to port in the Carliv Recovery Resources Folder

Launch Carliv Image Kitchen (Carliv.bat) and follow the screen guide.

Carliv Image Kitchen Interface
Carliv Image Kitchen Interface

The screen guide makes use of the Alphabet to work.
You use B for boot and R for recovery and the rest of them.

Carliv Image Kitchen Unpack recovery
Carliv Image Kitchen Unpack recovery

Use the command to unpack both stock recovery and custom recovery. It will create a folder in the Carliv Image Kitchen folder.

Open the custom recovery folder in another window and shift it to the side of the PC.
Now, copy a file from the stock recovery to the port recovery folder.

Delete files in port recovery and replace from stock recovery folder
Delete files in port recovery and replace from stock recovery folder

After replacing it from stock to the port recovery, use the Carliv Image Kitchen to repack it back.

The ported recovery will be in Carliv Image Kitchen Output Folder.
Your custom TWRP is ready for Flashing.

  • Flashing.

Depending on your Phone, you can use SP Flash Tool to flash the recovery to your phone or use Flashify if your phone is already rooted or you can use Rahshr to flash the recovery.

You can Flash the ported recovery through ADB fast by renaming the recovery to recovery.img.

Flash the recovery with this command.

fastboot flash recovery recovery.img

Reboot your phone to recovery and enjoy the new ported TWRP on your smartphone.

Fixing of bugs.

If you experience any bug after porting the recovery, you might try looking at one of the following issues.

  • Wrong Recovery from another Chipset.

Trust me, if you make mistake in Taking a recovery from a phone that is not in the same chipset as your phone, it will not work, it might result in the rebooting of the recovery.

Try and make sure that you are porting a recovery from the same chipset as you.
For example, there are some phones that are MT6735. Do you know that there are 32bit and 64bit of MT6735?

32bit is normally 3.18.35 or 3.18.35+ while 64bit are normally 3.10.65 or 3.10.65+.
If you port a recovery from 32bit to 64bit or vise versa, what are you expecting, it won’t work, you should be very mindful of that.

  • Socs.

Another one is Socs. This is where MT6735 or MT6737 or MT6753 comes in. Here, you should be mindful also.

There are versions of Socs in MTK smartphones. There are smartphones that are MT6735 and there are versions that are also MT6735M, they are mainly Marshmallows.

If your phone is MT6735 Lollipop versions, you should not port from Marshmallows, it won’t work for you.

Make sure when you are porting, everything about the port phone recovery and yours are almost the same for easier porting.

  • Mount issue.

If you experience any storage mounting issue, you can port your ueventd.rc to fix the issue or edit it with Notepad+, compare storage lines and replace. Compress back and flash.
Inverted TWRP or TWRP upside down.

This can be fixed but cannot be easily fixed.
For you to fix it, you will need to find a TWRP ported to another phone of the same manufacturer as yours.

The reason for that is that some makers screen placement can be different from other phone makers.
This means if you are using Gionee for Example, but the recovery you ported is from BLU, you might get inverted TWRP.

What you have to do is find a TWRP that has been ported to a Gionee smartphone that has the same chipset and Socs as yours.

Try porting it again and you will see that it will be fixed the inverted TWRP or TWRP upside down.

It also makes TWRP easier to port as everything is almost the same, mount point issue won’t occur.

If you are finding it hard getting a TWRP to port, I can help you.
All you have to do is download CPU Z from Play Store and comment on the following information.

Socs, Chipset, and Kernel. I will help you find one.

If you experience any other issue, you can tell us below to know how to fix it.

  1. Thank you very much. It was perfect for me. I found on the net some twrp near to my config. I tried your process with each and… Bingo ! One of them was ok. Now, i’ve got the twrp recovery for my beista K107 MT6753. Nice post !

  2. i did it exactly like that and cmd doesNT say failed after flashing but it only reboots. doesnt work for me :/

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