Innovations That Change The Sales

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Sales are getting smarter and for good reason. According to a Gartner survey, 8 out of 10 sales executives believe that it is necessary to use the right tools effectively to achieve goals. So it’s no surprise that 7 out of 10 sales organizations plan to increase their spending on sales technology in 2022. New tools have the potential to significantly impact processes in the coming years, but in many cases, they have yet to be implemented. Adopting innovative technologies and practices gives organizations a competitive advantage. 


By 2030, sellers will only enter information manually if they want to. Gone are the days of vendors requesting data. Multimodality provides salespeople with several ways to record actions, in addition to entering them with a keyword in the CRM. All of them are synchronized with CRM technology and help managers encourage salespeople to enter data into the system.

This can happen during a call or a chat. The AI itself will record the inputs and fill in the required information.

Generative AI

By 2025, 30% of outbound messages from large organizations will be generated synthetically. Content is becoming increasingly important to sales, given that customers expect ultra-relevant and personalized experiences. And it’s hard for salespeople to keep up. Thanks to generative AI, sales teams will never have to be asked to prepare content for them again.

Algorithms can now create a wide range of content. They create images, videos, emails, presentations, and data tables. Before, they were developed by humans. There is no need for direct human involvement.

Generative AI includes two approaches. The first is augmented. It uses existing creative workflows with humans. The second is automated. It operates like a content production factory.

While AI makes it easier for salespeople to access content, salespeople still need to make sure it is available in the right place at the right time.

Combining AR and VR

By 2025, 80% of all interactions will take place digitally. The meta-universe will fundamentally change our understanding of collaboration, inclusivity, and interconnectedness. And core meta-universe technologies such as augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) will become an important channel for agent meetings, product demonstrations, and sales training.

AR uses digital experiences on top of the physical world. It will allow customers to explore, interact and buy products as if they were in the shop in person. Virtual reality allows you to enter a unique digital space and participate in activities such as meetings, training, or project reviews, enables collaboration, and encourages interaction.

Emotional AI

By 2025, AI-enabled emotion identification will influence 30% of the messages a customer receives. Emotional intelligence is important. Especially for salespeople who need to ‘read moods’, which is difficult to do in a virtual environment. An algorithm that analyses emotions, and processes them. It then reacts to them and is based on four components.

Phonetic and textual analysis based on natural language processing technology, capable of analyzing mood in emails and finding patterns and trends. Facial expression analysis is based on computer vision, which looks for patterns and trends in response to stimuli. Audio speech analysis, which detects combinations of emotional states with facial and muscle movements. Biometric and other sensors (e.g. heart rate) to analyze behavior.

By 2024, emotional AI will drive about half of the online advertisements seen by consumers. This technology reads faces and emails and determines which ads are appropriate for that customer. They will change the way sales teams interact with customers. And, as a consequence, it will modernize the transaction support process itself.

The Digital Twin

The global market for digital twin software and services is expected to reach $150 billion by 2030, up from $9 billion in 2022. Imagine being able to test the software on your client whenever you want. A digital twin provides a dynamic virtual representation of the customer, recreated based on digital and physical interactions. The technology is used to model and predict behavior.

Digital Doppelganger collects data from characters and runs tests for sales messages, sales processes, and marketing campaigns. It demonstrates what works and what doesn’t. Unlike a simulation, the digital twin is dynamic. It receives data all the time and can update the results, allowing real-time analysis as new signals come in.

Digital People

By 2026, 50% of B2B buyers will interact with a digital human in the shopping process. The sales teams of the future will be a hybrid of humans and machines. Digital humans interacting with customers will revolutionize who sells and how. Scenarios using digital people are not about replacing humans. It’s about taking on tasks that humans don’t want to do, such as dealing with leads or abandoned customers.

Machine Clients

The CEO and CIO believe that by 2030 a fifth of revenue will come from machine customers. And that’s the new target market. Machine customers are economic entities that receive goods or services in exchange for payment. They represent the customer, and a large one at that, who is now becoming a full-fledged market participant.

Financial services products are using AI to help consumers negotiate bank charges and receive automatic refunds, and some cars are already self-diagnosing and pre-ordering spare parts.

For many organizations, the idea of the machine shopper is not yet a reality. But now is a good time to start following its development and start building a sales team that combines digital systems and human staff.

You’ll have to adapt to the logic, reliability, and cost of machine customers. As machine customers become an increasingly tangible part of the customer base, salespeople will need to plan for connectivity challenges.

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