Focusing Down On The New Age Of Tech Workplace H&S

With remote working the new normal, technology is facing the challenge of bridging the gap of replicating assured business processes within the digital remote office. TechRepublic has already highlighted a range of products directly aimed at targeting this need, the tech market seeing growth in their sights and reacting. Much of this technology will be focused around data; ensuring that it is used to its maximum potential but in a fair and legally secure manner.

Focusing Down On The New Age Of Tech Workplace H&S

In line with the law

The aspect of data use that concerns legality will be of particular interest to business owners. As explored by CNBC, virtual reality is already seeing extensive use in remote teams; however, this can be a security risk. According to CNBC, 54% of businesses are already updating privacy policies and terms to be in line with international standards due to the inherent risk posed by virtual reality use.

Why is this important? As outlined by legal experts JJS Justice, many serious tech workplace issues are aided and exacerbated by poor trust and privacy standards. Virtual reality is a vector for this, and ensuring the physical and mental well-being of employees will be safeguarded is achieved by having a stringent data access policy in place.

Wellness into business

Wellness into business
Wellness into business

Remote working has brought a greater focus from businesses on ensuring their employees have good levels of well-being. With less in-person contact and more time spent in sedentary positions, technology is helping to provide assurance that employees are looking after their personal health. This is being achieved with the cooperation of companies like Fitbit, who are launching sophisticated enterprise platforms to help businesses harness well-being techniques and processes, as well as providing assurance of adherence to business H&S policies.

New forms of training

Technology can provide the bridge to new health and safety standards in the fully modernized office. Forbes highlight that the latest platforms and packages available to business owners provide overarching working-from-home training, as well as new tools to help with the rigors of home working – musculoskeletal issues, isolation, and mental health, for instance.

Putting technology at the vanguard of any new policy-making and employee upskilling will be important to maintaining happy workers at home.

As healthcare standards and health and safety demands become more nuanced, using technology to stay ahead of the game will be of significant benefit to any business. Ensuring that employees are ready for new priorities from day one, and are safeguarding their personal health, can be managed with new tech platforms. As big tech firms enter the fray, there’ll be plenty to choose from.

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