Solving Application Performance Challenges in 2024

The recent years has seen a major economic downturn for many industries but online businesses have witnessed a major boom. Online sales saw a new high and recorded huge numbers of website visitors and app users all through the year.

Handling more web and app traffic meant a lot of pressure on app infrastructure for these businesses as they saw an increased volume of online payment transactions, delivery requests, video-sharing and general communication.

Some businesses succeeded in maintaining the perfect app infrastructure, but some could not. As a technology-based business, at times, the force of technology might not always be on your side, and you can start experiencing glitches and other technical problems.

It’s normal if it’s some isolated event but when the issues start being recurring and start having a significant impact on business operations, it becomes problematic.

How To Solve Application Performance Challenges

To resolve these issues and prevent them from recurring, here are actional tips on solving application performance challenges in 2024.

Using an In-Memory Database

Using an in-memory data grid helps improve app performance significantly. The apps you use for business purposes become relatively faster and more reliable with fewer events of crashing.

An in-memory data grid(IMDG) offers a highly-distributed solution for accelerating and scalability of the apps so even with the increased usage, the app performs optimally. The distributed software architecture in IMDG allows the cluster of servers to support the app performance in all conditions.

An in-memory data grid does not fetch all the data at once but fetches it on a needed basis. That helps optimize the performance of the app and improves loading speed time. Another benefit of using in-memory data grids is that the data templates are reused across the entire application.

You can find in-memory data grid solutions for any kind of app and that does not compromise the current structure of the app. You should be ready for a lot of work, though, because adding an in-memory data grid to the app takes a lot of time and work. It also involves a lot of testing work to ensure everything runs smoothly but once done, you get a new experience altogether.

Adding More RAM

If you have employees that use company-owned devices such as PCs, laptops, tablets, and even phones, there are higher chances of facing poor performance. That is because these devices are usually overloaded, depending on the usage patterns of each employee.

Some might use the device for both work and personal purposes, which pressurizes the RAM considerably. When this happens, you might consider getting new devices while overlooking the reason for the poor performance of your app as it needs more RAM. You might be wondering how you can improve the RAM on mobile devices. The answer is by conserving the one that is currently available.

By restricting employees to use only the business app on such mobile devices, the current RAM will be solely dedicated to its performance. On PCs and laptops, this is much easier because there are external RAM solutions that you can use. You can find the solution that is the best fit for your business and start implementing it universally.

Implementing Further Infrastructure Changes

If the issue is not with limited RAM, considering other infrastructure changes is something to consider. There are many different infrastructure changes you can make to boost application performance. One of those is upgrading the server system used to host the application.

By improving this part of the infrastructure, the app’s availability will be much more reliable and trustworthy. The general overall performance will also improve. You can also implement some infrastructure changes by using a more sophisticated Central Processing Unit (CPU) on desktops and laptops.

You can also opt to improve the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) for an improved end-user experience and have a more reliable and trustworthy app performance. Also, you do not need to implement all these changes at once but the most important thing to do is assessing your situation.

Afterward, formulate a plan to upgrade the much-needed infrastructure. If this can’t be fulfilled in any meaningful way, consider using Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS).

Redesigning the App From Scratch

In some cases, apps might not work well because they are using old systems that have not been up-to- date in years. If you want to make an app that helps businesses solve problems, you should keep it up to date with the latest tech and business trends. When something is missing an update in a long time, it can start to perform much less well.

Perhaps your system has not been upgraded ever since it was developed. This could be the main reason for facing major problems and depending on the last time it was upgraded or developed, redesigning it could be the best choice. When you are redesigning the app from scratch, you’ll ingrain current technologies being used, improving the overall app performance.

To boost your business performance, plan on redesigning the app and bring in some experts that can advise on doing this. Use the latest technologies that are much savvy than older ones.

Application performance monitoring

Constant monitoring and troubleshooting when a problem arises can enhance the performance of your application. This helps in bringing out the hidden performance-related problems to your attention earlier on. They can then be handled accordingly instead of trying to live with a thorn on the side that slows down productivity.

There are many different application performance monitoring tools you can use to troubleshoot any problems in real-time. Having these reports on-hand anytime an update or upgrade is due to resolve the issues that have been identified. In the long run, there will be fewer problems related to the app’s performance that need to be resolved.

It results in fewer expenses and time needed to fix the problem once it has grown bigger. Some conduct stress testing on their application periodically as a preventative measure of experiencing poor app performance. This is a good habit to adopt and implement as a business.

The Bottom Line

There are different solutions for improving app performance in 2020 and some can even be implemented by the less technically inclined organizations. In contrast, others are a bit complex and need some expertise or extensive knowledge of programming. The bottom line is that you do not have to go along with poor app performance that hinders productivity since there are incredible solutions like IMDG at your disposal.