The Uses of Virtual Call Center Software in Customer Service

One significant contribution of technology is remote working capabilities. Without needing a physical space, it is possible to run a company.

Statistics show that 16% of companies globally are fully remote. There has been a 91% increase in remote working over the past ten years. And it is interesting to note that employees support the new working norm. 97% would prefer remote working in the future.

One of the beneficiaries of remote working is customer service. Virtual call center software allows remote agents to service customers from anywhere, including from home. The company can save money without compromising on offering a good customer experience.

Our article looks at the uses of virtual call center software in customer service.

Understanding Virtual Call Centers

A virtual call center is a cloud-based contact center that uses remote agents. The agents only sit in one physical location. Instead, they can be anywhere on the globe, working as groups in remote areas or even from home.

The implications of such working models are enormous for the business. The company can now hire workers from different time zones. There is no longer the physical limitation of boundaries with virtual call centers. By overcoming time zone challenges, the company can offer 24/7 customer service.

A virtual call center software has all the functionalities of a traditional one and some extra benefits, including:-

  • Talent recruiting from any geographical location
  • Ability to deliver omnichannel customer experiences. That ensures the seamless integration of all the channels customers use. These include email, chat, SMS, social media, and the website.
  • Agent performance management, thus, better productivity.
  • Mapping and tracking the entire customer journey, including interactions with the brand. That provides an opportunity to improve the quality of service.
  • Uninterrupted continuity service provision. So, let’s say an area is experiencing facility interruptions or local disasters. The remote agents in other locations will continue working as usual.
  • Intelligent call routing and logs. This ensures that suitable agents assist depending on the customer’s needs.
  • Analytics and reporting tools for quality management, etc.

Understanding the Behind the Scenes Working Of Virtual Call Centers

Virtual call center software is cloud-based and uses voice-over IP (VoIP). But thanks to technology, video conferencing software is enhancing the customer experience.

As stated above, remote call centers work much like traditional contact centers. These include handling inbound and outbound calls. A customer may call in, requiring help. The virtual call center software routes incoming calls to available remote agents.

Intelligent routing software assigns the call to the agent with the right expertise. So, a tech-related question would go to an agent with tech experience. A complaint would go to an agent whose work is to handle such.

For the customer, it means smoother communication without the hassle of being on hold for a long time. Further, seamless integration of the channels is critical. The remote agent can pick up conversations from where the previous agent left off. A history of the discussions is on a centralized dashboard. Customers can avoid repeating their issues with every new agent.

Benefits of Virtual Call Center Software

So why should a company invest in a virtual call center? Well, there are plenty of benefits, as we will share below.

Reduced Expenditure to the Company

One significant benefit of a virtual call center is a reduction in expenditure. You do not need to invest in massive physical call center locations. That means saving on infrastructure, IT, and other office equipment.

Indeed all you may need is a small office space, as most of the teams will be working from remote locations.

Scalability with Virtual Call Center Software

It is easier to scale up or down with a virtual call center. If you need more workers, all you have to do is hire remote agents. You can invest in less space or office equipment to work.

If the company experiences peak periods, you can hire part-time remote agents. Such resources don’t come with the attendant costs of full-time staff. That results in more savings for the company.

24/7 Access to Customer Support

We touched on this benefit. Remote agents from different locations remove the time restrictions. No more ‘ calls during business hours to get help. That can have a considerable impact on customer satisfaction.

High Efficiency and Lower Turnover

Contact centers have the dubious distinction of being quite stressful. A study highlights some significant contributing factors. These include:-

Dealing with customer issues every day can wear you down. It gets worse when handling complaining or unhappy customers.

  • Time and sales pressures
  • Uncomfortable work conditions, including lack of proper infrastructure
  • Close surveillance by the supervisor, etc.

The direct result of all the stress is very high turnovers in contact centers.

Virtual call center software is an excellent solution to the issues above. When working from home, remote agents have a bit more flexibility. The time pressure eases quite a bit because they do not have to spend time commuting. 

And who can argue about the comfort of working from home? You can ensure your workstation suits your comfort needs. Remote performance management help with supervision. Yet, it removes the aspect of a supervisor peering over the agent’s shoulders. The company can still track work progress without being in the workers’ faces.

Two factors are critical for higher efficiency and productivity. First, the workers need to be comfortable. Second, they should have all the necessary tools to do their work well. And that is what you get with a virtual contact center.

For the company, it becomes a win-win situation. On the one hand, they have happy employees. On the other are delighted customers as well.

Final Thoughts

Ensuring a good customer experience is one critical aspect of succeeding in business. Yet the truth is that it can be pretty challenging for many organizations. A contact center is an excellent first step. But the reality is the cost of setting up one that will provide 24/7 support can be too much for many businesses.

A fantastic solution lies in the cloud-based virtual call center software. Remote working means the customers have 24/7 access to customer service. For the company, the benefits include massive savings. Others are higher efficiency and productivity and lower staff turnover.


What is virtual call center software?

Virtual call center software is a cloud-based contact center that uses voice-over IP (VoIP). 

What are the benefits of virtual call center software?

The benefits are many, including:-

  • Remote working capabilities
  • Reduced expenditure on the company
  • Higher efficiency, flexibility, and productivity
  • Scalability
  • Lower staff turnover
  • 24/7 access to customer service

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