Why is Facebook very popular than other social networks

This is the question I have been asking myself for a while but I have come to a conclusion on my own what I think is really causing the popularity of Facebook against other social networks in the world.
Facebook Inc is an American for-profit and Social network company based in Menlo Park California (CA).
Started in 2004 has won the heart of the social world and day by day boast of revenue of $10b and calculating.

But we are not here to talk about their history but to talk about why many people live using Facebook instead of other social networks like Twitter, Snapchat and WhatsApp, and co.


Do you know that even a non-internet literate can navigate through Facebook with easy without a mistake or just a simple mistake?

I myself started using Facebook when I was small and at that time, it’s already compatible with the phone is using then.

One thing I don’t like about other social networks is some of them are not mobile-friendly to my liking, I didn’t mention anyone.

Facebook provides a mobile and PC-friendly view of its networks which makes it easier easy to navigate and connect with our loved ones.

The mobile Facebook app is very very friendly in all mobile platforms both Android, iOS, Java, and other operating systems.

The Facebook News Feed.

Facebook News Feed
Facebook News Feed

The feature I love most is this, I can’t get enough of it.

Most of my friends and relatives complain a lot that I am always online on Facebook but they do that know what am doing, they don’t know that am reading many things in my Facebook news feeds.

What killed it all in Facebook is the Facebook News Feed. Facebook News Feed allows it’s the user to access the information their friends shared in Facebook Timeline. Almost all the News media in The world uses Facebook to connect and share information with it users around the world.

If you are a fan of one of those needs news Media, then you will be stuck in reading their news through your Facebook.

Facebook News Feed is one of the easiest ways that you can easily share information with your friends and family and relatives.

Most important person in the world doesn’t have any other means through which they communicate with the people they want to communicate with rather than Facebook which you yourself receive in your Facebook News Feed.

People You May Know.

Facebook People You May kmow
Facebook People You May know

Some records have shown that many people discover their lost ones on Facebook and their Friends, Family, and Relatives.

Facebook Scan through our address book to discover people who have registered Facebook with their Mobile phone number and other related pieces of information and present it to us a people we may know.

Facebook is almost the only place one can find some of their distance loved one and friends with just typing their name.

Many People rush to Facebook because not only to chat with the friends they already know but to come in contact with the ones they don’t know or the ones that might know them.

Mobile Compatibility.

Facebook Compatibility
Facebook Compatibility

Facebook is almost compatible with any Internet-enabled phone and can be accessed anywhere.

You don’t need to own a high-end smartphone or PC to access Facebook but any Internet-enabled phone at hand, you can access Facebook.

This I believe may have contributed slot in the popularity of Facebook against other social networks, in my country, any that can play music has Facebook preinstalled in them, no matter how small that phone might be.

I guess other social networks should adopt that too.

A form of Entertainment.

Facebook adds new features daily to make social networks more entertaining.

They allow users to share pictures, share videos, and also pieces of information that are entertaining.

Facebook is one of the biggest online Market Place someone can Imagine.

The majority of people in this wouldn’t have made it in life if not for Facebook, the first place to advertise your goods before it can reach a bigger audience is Facebook.

One can admit that they cannot do without it. The majority of people met on Facebook, trade on Facebook, and Make their money through it.

When you start a business, maybe in your location, you can advertise it to the people around you but for you to reach a higher audience, you have to come to Facebook to Market it.

That is where you have to meet with many people of different beliefs and religions and Ideas and then you are good to go.

The Social Community.

Facebook stole the heart of many people when the implemented the Facebook group.

Facebook Group now serves as a community or forum that was met with people of the same belief, age, business idea, and aspects.

There are lots of Facebook groups in the Facebook Community.

Groups of different categories, where one can find his allies.

People create Facebook groups for their School and teams and likes. It helps them stay safe and protected.

The Facebook group gives the users the opportunity to determine whether the group will be public, closed, secret, and so on, and this makes it feel safe and secure.

Only people who are added to the group are allowed in the group.
It makes Facebook more entertaining and Fascinating.


Facebook is one of the most secure social networks in the world. It will be very hard for a Facebook account to be hacked through no social network is not hackable before a hacker can hack into your Facebook account, he might have tricked you to something.

No Nudity.

Facebook privacy policy restricts its user from sharing their nude pictures on the social network. Any User who goes against that policy gets banned from using Facebook.
Parents are no longer worried about what their children share on Facebook cos it won’t allow them to share Nudity

Free Basis.

Facebook Free Basics
Facebook Free Basics

Facebook free basis allows the user of Facebook to access Facebook without an internet subscription or plan in some supported network.

In my country, some networks like Etisalat and Airtel allow Facebook users to access Facebook without subscribing to any plan.

This has immensely enhanced the rapid increment in the usage of Facebook daily by its users because they can now connect with their loved ones free of charge.

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