HomeBusiness4 Small Business Ideas That Don't Take Much Capital To Start

4 Small Business Ideas That Don’t Take Much Capital To Start

After the pandemic, Singapore entered a new normal, and it came with a bit of optimism for business. Many new small businesses and services that address different needs have sprung up.

So, are you thinking of starting your own but worried about the financial barriers? It’s an understandable concern, but don’t be discouraged, as there are many small business ideas that require minimal capital to start.

This article will show you four innovative yet cost-effective business concepts that will allow you to start your entrepreneurial journey. And if you happen to like one, you can even rely on a money lender in Singapore to make it a reality. 

Small Business Ideas You can Start without Breaking the Bank

1. E-commerce

Nowadays, people love instant shopping and delivery. According to OSOME, 62.8% of Singaporeans make online purchases each week. Because of this, almost all sellers have digital stores. 

There are even businesses that are online-only. And if you think you have a strong digital following and organisational and customer service skills, a purely e-commerce can make you money. 

What makes e-commerce businesses operations more cost-effective is their lower overhead costs compared to brick-and-mortar retail stores. This means you can run your e-commerce business from home and save on rent and utilities. 

Second, setting up an e-commerce website is relatively easy. Many platforms and tools are available at low or no cost. You can also expand the reach of the site and design it according to your business strategy.

2. Dropshipping

What is hot in Singapore is dropshipping, another type of e-commerce business. It’s like running an online store without holding any inventory. Instead, it involves taking orders from clients and forwarding them to suppliers.

Being a dropshipper means you’re a middleman between suppliers and customers. That means you need to focus on attracting businesses and promoting goods and services. That also means you need to have skills in lobbying, marketing, negotiating, and customer servicing. And since you don’t need to purchase and store inventory upfront, you can run a dropshipping business with minimal cost. 

This business is the type of e-commerce business that has lower risk. Since you are not purchasing inventory items, especially in high quantities, you are not in danger of spending capital on things that may not sell. You just pay for things as you sell them, lowering your financial risk.

3. Home-cooked meals

Everyone needs nutritious food every day. But because of a fast-paced way of life, many Singaporeans don’t have much time to prepare meals. And while convenience stores sell instant foods, they’re not exactly healthy. At the same time, many Singaporeans are becoming concerned about their health. 

That is why many individuals and families are increasingly relying on home-based cooked meals. So if you want to start a business, a small-scale catering or food delivery business is a good idea. Aside from the demand, it can be inexpensive, as there is no need to rent or lease a separate commercial space. If you have a kitchen at home, the right equipment, a passion for cooking, and are up-to-date with the latest cooking trends, you should give it a shot. 

As for marketing, you can make good use of social media. And if necessary, you can spend a little bit of money to boost your social media presence, which is still a lot cheaper than relying on traditional advertising. 

4. Home and office cleaning services

It’s important to maintain cleanliness. However, many are unable to do that because they have to go to school or work. As for offices, a permanent maintenance staff could be costly. That is why a home and office cleaning service is becoming a popular small business idea in Singapore.

Like other small business ideas on the list, a home and office cleaning service does not need a physical location. The only must-haves are basic cleaning supplies and equipment, and personal translation. 

Most cleaning services charge an hourly rate per square foot, which is why it’s profitable. However, keep in mind that to start a home and office cleaning service in Singapore, you must do the following:

  • Register your cleaning business with the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) and choose a business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, partnership, or private limited company).
  • Apply National Environment Agency (NEA) licence for cleaning businesses in Singapore, which will be valid for one year.

You also must have at least a valid bizSAFE Level 3 certification and one cleaner who has been trained in at least two modules: Workplace Safety and Health (WSH) module and Tripartite Cluster for Cleaners (TCC).


Hopefully, these small business ideas that don’t require much capital made you realise that you don’t need to drain your savings to start your entrepreneurial journey. And if you still need a bit more budget for your business, don’t be discouraged; you can look for money lenders in Singapore.

So go on and take the first step towards making your small company goals a reality. Provide beneficial products and services to society and get rewarded for it. 

Marvel Rick
Marvel Rick
Meet Marvel Rick! A talented copywriter who has a passion for singing. When she is not creating captivating content or singing her heart out, she often finds herself exploring new places or dancing. She is an engaging blogger who effortlessly incorporates her personal interests into her writing.

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